
You should review your deposit account agreement for any applicable language. Generally, the bank will require you to complete an affidavit stating that you did not authorize the check. It may also request that you file a […] Check Forgery Negligence Read more →

There are several forged checks, all from the same person, against my account. The bank claims that because more than 60 days have elapsed, it doesn't have to do anything. Is this true?

You generally have up to 30 days from the statement date to notify the bank of an error, including an unauthorized signature or an unauthorized alteration on a check. Please note: the time periods for prompt notification […] Check Forgery Time Limit Read more →

The bank paid a check when it was obvious that the signature was not mine. Why didn't the bank catch this?

Banks generally do not manually process checks. Each day, thousands of checks are processed through the clearinghouse for payment, using machines that read the micro encoded line at the bottom of the check. You are […] Check Forgery Signature Read more →

My bookkeeper handled all of my business's deposits and balanced the monthly statements. He stole some checks payable to the business and forged the endorsement, which the bank honored. What can I do?

Alert your bank to the fraudulent transactions. Even when a bank pays a check with a forged endorsement, it is the account holder's responsibility to review the account statements and notify the bank of fraudulent […] Check Forgery Business Read more →

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